Φέτος το σχολείο μας συμμετέχει σε τρία ευρωπαϊκά προγράμματα που λόγω της ιδιαίτερης κατάστασης που επικρατεί προς το παρόν τρέχουν μέσω online επικοινωνίας και workshops που λαμβάνουν χώρα στο χώρο του σχολείου.
Το πρώτο πρόγραμμα έχει τίτλο Eco-LOGICALChallenge και αποτελεί πρόγραμμα ανταλλαγής καλών πρακτικών.Στο πρόγραμμα συμμετέχουν οι εξής 6 χώρες: Γερμανία, Τουρκία, Ισπανία, Πορτογαλία, Πολωνία και Αγγλία.
Το πρόγραμμα ξεκίνησε στις 2020-09-01 και προς το παρόν τρέχει μόνο διαδικτυακά και με online meeting λόγω της πανδημίας covid-19.
Summary of project
Intangible results are improved environmental awareness, stage performance, knowledge on digital tools, raised awareness of attending own learning process, more motivated pupils and further academic achievements, awareness of the similarities and differences, improved communication skills and critical and creative thinking ability.
The METHODOLOGY to be used in carrying out at the project is basically student-centered and cooperative learning and learning through experience. In addition, different assessment methods (evaluation and feedback forms, preliminary and final and satisfaction survey)are used to evaluate implementation, management and dissemination of the project. The success of the mobility is measured comparatively against the results and level of satisfaction of students who gained the environmental awareness.
Number and Profile of Participants
Each short-term exchange mobility will include the participation of 20 students(age range between10-16) and 5-10 teachers, and totally 120 students and 50 teachers will take part in all mobility. Students will be selected regarding transparent criteria (computer and language skills,peer and teamwork ability, availability and adaptability)
For a sustainable environment, we as teachers, students, and the community will work together for the activities in local and transnational spectrum for many years.